Have you ever had one of those days where you feel kind of down and blue? Nothing seems quite right and you don’t even feel like being with friends or family? Well, it is just my point of view that we all feel that way at one time or another. Sometimes it’s only a rare occurrence and sometimes it’s an almost daily thing. Sometimes we are alone through no choice of our own and we are just looking for a way to get beyond this moment in time.
Sometimes I think my life has been difficult at best , and at worst it’s been awful. Also there have been calm moments and when those came I used to wonder what terrible thing would befall me next (am I a pessimistic thinker?? Well….maybe).
To deal with this I just take what comes and have accepted that something else will come along, sooner or later. Hmm…why should I fret about it.. It wastes so much time … just sitting there worrying about trouble that hasn’t yet happened. And when I started thinking that way I started to begin to appreciate the good things in my life … the many good things.
When I am feeling defeated, listening to this song always makes me feel better..