Mumbling and Yapping!

This is my first post, and today is also one of my happy days. Actually, everyday is my happy day. I am so happy to be with my beloved DH. After all things we went through, our lives together finally have begun. Since it is my first post, I am going to be a bit boring. 🙂 If someone is falling asleep while reading my message. Please remember I do that to you intentionally…lol.

In Lala Land, California!

To all my friends, sometimes we do not realize what we have until it is gone. Many times we hurt our loved ones so badly and wait too late to say ” I’m sorry”. Too often, we allow foolish things tear our lives apart..apart from the ones we hold dearest to our hearts.:( There will always be another day and another chance to make things right, but for surely today is all we get. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. So why we are waiting for tomorrow to do things that can be done today? Take a little time to say “I am sorry, please forgive me” today. And if tomorrow never comes we will have no regrets about today. Do not forget to let your loved ones know each day how much they mean to you, and how much you appreciate them as they may be gone tomorrow. Again, take time to say words now before your time is through. zzzzz.

I can’t believe I am putting myself to sleep, oh well. I will be writing again tomorrow, it’s bed time now, I’d better go to bed..nite…nite..lights out!!

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